We wish to gather insights on how AVP-Deficiency is understood, diagnosed, and managed across specialties (both endocrine and non-endocrine). Your participation will help improve patient education and clinical practices for this rare condition.
The survey takes just a few minutes, and your responses are anonymous. You can reply to the survey here: https://feedback.surveylab.com/92c/HCP/AVP-D/SURVEY/
Your time and effort is greatly appreciated: by answering our survey you will be helping us to improve AVP-D awareness and patient safety!
Phillip & Chris
Zainab Al Abadelah, UAE
Meg Keil, USA
Jennifer Grafin von Baudissin, UK/UAE
Kate Davies, UK
Andrew Dwyer, USA
Lisa Shephard & Anne Marland, UK
Sofia Llahana, UK
Mohammad Khalifa, UEA
AJ van der Lely, The Netherlands
Chris Yedinak, USA
Phillip Yeoh, UK
Julie Hetherington, Australia
21st April 2023 at 5-6:30pm UK time, 6-7:30pm Central European time
Register now on https://www.ese-hormones.org/education/ese-talks/ese-talks-nurses-webinar-adrenal-insufficiency-optimising-glucocorticoid-treatment/
Day Registration Fee - 25 August only, FINE Nursing Workshop
Up to 10 August: 100 SGD (Approx 74 USD)
From 11 Aug: 120 SGD (Approx 88 USD)
Further details on www.ICE2022Singapore.com
Patient centered care meeting human centered design: Nursing interventions bridging generic health disparities
Andrew Dwyer PhD/USA (Boston)
Mobile application for Patient Drive Management to Prevent Adrenal Crisis: Pilot Study
Meg Keil PhD, NIH/USA (VA)
Louise Fleming PhD/USA (NC)
Duck in a Row = AVS sampling
Julie Hetherington MNP/AUS (Sydney)
Diabetes Management
Lim Huee Boon Singapore (SE Asia)
Secondary Fracture Prevention model of care in an Endocrinology nurse led clinic
Anne Robinson MNP/AUS (Brisbane)
The Hyp(o/er) of Parathyroid
Sherwin Criseno MSC/United Kingdom
Glucose metabolism outcomes in patients with acromegaly on pegvisomant: a case study
Elizabeth Rutten ANP/Belgium
Add a footnote if this applies to your business
SfE BES 2025 meeting 10-12 March Harrogate
PES Annual Meeting
April 30- May 3, Kansas City, USA.
27th European Congress of Endocrinology (Joint Congress of ESPE and ESE)
10-13 May , Copenhagen, Denmark.
Jun 12-15, 2025 at ENDO 2023, San Francisco, USA.
Regional Conference Oct 18, 2025, Chandler, Arizona. USA.
107th Annual Meeting, ENDO 2025, June 12-15, San Francisco, USA.
ENSA Annual Meeting
Nov 2025 Perth, Australia.
After 6 months battling with glioblastoma multiform, Ann Robinson, passed away peacefully.
Ann has been a pillar of strength for the endocrine nurse community world-wide, a leader in Australia and an inspiration to all of us. She was the first endocrine nurse endorsed as a nurse practitioner in Australia. Ann started her career as a nurse midwife and became involved in pediatric diabetes nurse and became a diabetes nurse educator. She was an active and progressive patient and nursing advocate representing nursing in the Australian legislator. Her interest in endocrine care subsequently extended to bone fragility and she established a nurse led fragility clinic on the Gold Coast of Australia.
Ann was a founding member of F.I.N.E, an active board member and participant since our inception. She has presented at national and international nursing and advocacy meetings (including ICE) worldwide. She was the president of ENSA and has continued to take an active part in conference planning even through the onset of her health issues.
Ann was an amazing colleague, a model nurse and educator, and a beautiful friend. Saying goodbye is hard, but her legacy will continue to remind us to strive for more knowledge and excellence in our care. Thank-you Ann!
Many of you have sent messages and pictures of Ann during her illness. Ron, her husband was able to read her these messages and she and her family expressed their appreciation for everyone’s support. Some sent pictures and the family would love to have more pictures of her life as a nurse. If you have any, please send these to Chris. She will compile them and forward them to Ron. Please also share anecdotes about Ann that we can add. Once we know the details of the celebration of her life, we will pass them along.
Chris & Phillip
Past President and Current President of F.I.N.E.
An accessible global network of nurses in endocrinology promoting optimal health outcomes for person across the life-span with endocrine disorders
Promote excellence in clinical care by advancing the science and art of endocrine nursing throughout the world.
Advancing patient care and support patient education in all endocrine sub specialities
We consist of endocrine nurses from US, Canada, UK, Australia, New Zealand, Italy, Spain, India, Turkey, Belgium, Denmark, Netherlands, Vietnam, China, Thailand, Germany, Sweden, South Africa, Georgia, Ghana, Kenya and Nigeria,
One of the founders of F.I.N.E., Ann Robinson sadly passed away in June 2024. We would like to pay our tribute and gratitude for Ann's contribution to F.I.N.E.
Thank you
A bridge between patients and healthcare professionals
see conferences and meetings event above
AdrenalNET http://adrenals.eu/
Shared document of Dutch Adrenal Patient Society NVACP
National Institute of Health NIH patient education resources for adrenal insufficiency
AdrenalNET http://adrenals.eu/
Shared document of Dutch Adrenal Patient Society NVACP
National Institute of Health NIH patient education resources for adrenal insufficiency
Addison's Self Help Group UK Resources & Injection videos
Pituitary Foundation UK shared document
Nordic Network for Endocrine Nurses covers for endocrine nurses from Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Finland and Iceland
WAPO World Alliance of Pituitary Organisation
UK and Ireland Neuroendocrine Tumour Society
European Neuroendocrine Tumour Society
Society for Endocrinology Competency Framework for Adult Endocrine Nursing
Endocrine Nurse Society USA
European Society for Endocrinology Nurses section (https://www.ese-hormones.org/about-us/our-communities/nurses/)
Society for Endocrinology
Endocrine Nurse Update & British Endocrine Society Meeting 2020
Endocrine Nurse Society USA
European Society for Endocrinology Nurses section (https://www.ese-hormones.org/about-us/our-communities/nurses/)
Society for Endocrinology
Endocrine Nurse Update & British Endocrine Society Meeting 2020
Endocrine Nurse's Society of Australasia ENSA
ESPEN European Society of Paediatric Endocrinology https://www.eurospe.org/about/espe-working-groups/paediatric-endocrine-nurses/
PENS Paediatric Endocrinology Nursing Society
Diabetes Education Society of South Africa DESSA
Textbook of Advanced Practice Nursing in Endocrinology Nursing
Congratulation to Cecilia who has recently appointment an Associate Professor at Lund Unverists Sweden. This is an amazing achievement.
WAPO World Alliance of Pituitary Organisations
ISE International Society of Endocrinology
ICE 2025 June 1-3, 2024 Kyoto, Japan
More info to follow
Federation of International Nurses in Endocrinology